Tuesday, 14 May 2013

How To: Volumise Long, Thick Hair

Hey everyone!

Today I have a special guest post from a friend of mine (Jess) who has ridiculously amazing long, thick hair that I assure you is all real. Here she's going to talk you through her hair care routine plus some tips and tricks!


Hey guys! Lauren's been pestering me for so long to guest post on her blog and I've finally got around to it! I've had really thick, long hair for at least 6 years and although I've gone through different style phases I've always kept it relatively the same length. I've made a lot of mistakes with my hair, from washing it too often to using the wrong products but it's been a learning curve and I thought I'd share my almost-perfect routine with you!

Despite the thickness of my hair, I always find it lacks volume, making it seem dank and unhealthy. Most of my chosen products are of the volume-boosting kind, as these are the hardest workers when it comes to long, thick hair.

Tresemme 24 Hour Body Shampoo & Conditioner // Charles Worthington Volume Boosting Mousse // Charles Worthington Satin Styling Spray // Got 2 B Powderful Volumising Styling Powder // Got 2 B Big Volume Hair Spray // GHD Hair Styler // Hair Rollers

Tresemme 24 Hour Body Shampoo & Conditioner
(£4.05 each-Boots)

I wash my hair roughly two times every week, I know it sounds 'dirty' but it is actually better to wash you hair the least amount of times possible so then all the natural oils in your hair can make it healthier. I've used so many different shampoo and conditioner's in the past 2-3 years, but I recently found this one and it is AMAZING! I would happily recomend it to anyone. Even though my hair is really thick I find that it seems a bit flat so I do tend to use body and volume hair care.

If you find that you've had enough of washing your hair every single day, then leave it one day and only wash it for the six day's and then gragually reduce it each week! .. it might feel and look very greasy but in time you won't regret any changes you make!

Charles Worthington; Salon Finish Body Booster Mousse

I normally use this mousse before I blow dry my hair, as it styles and gives volume once dry. It takes a while to get the hang of using it and you don't really see the difference but push through it and in time you will see the difference gradually rather than straight away. There is one negative, it makes your hair look greasy with-in a few days of using it but it'll last you til your next wash.

Charles Worthington; Salon Finish Satin Styling Spray

I have really used this one as much as my other products and it does do a really good job but it isn't the best. It does make your hair greasy in the next day or two.

Got2b Powder'ful; Voluming styling powder ( £4.07 -Boots)

I recevied this for Christmas and the first time I used it, it was amazing. You put it in your roots by putting it on your finger tips and making your fingers act like a comb. The outcome of it is good however you do need to back brush the rest of the top bit of your hair other wise it does look abit strange but it is still good! It's the same with most products it does go greasy after a while plus it takes a while to rub it in thoroughly.

Got2b Powder'ful; Big Volume Hairspray ( £4.05 -Boots)

My hair never really takes to hair spray but there is something different about this one! In my opinon it is brilliant! It doesn't last incredibly long but it last's a good amount of time for when I'm going out, so that's roughly four hours, which is still good considering the thickness of my hair and this one doesn't go greasy which is surprising!  

GHDs, Rollers, Hair Slides

When I straighten my hair it doesn't actually take that long, I would say roughly 45 minutes. I know it does sound along time to sit there just straightening your hair but it is worth it! I go through different stages where I sometimes like my hair straight but my hair is naturally curly so I also like that. It depends on what I need from my hair each day - on college days it's up in a ponytail or a bun and when I go out I like it down and curly. That sounds easy but it isn't, I need at least two hair bands and tones of slides! 

Thanks for reading my post, hope it helps you out! I know what a nightmare having long, unmanageable hair can be! I wouldn't mind to hear some feed back, if all goes well I'm hoping to have some more guest posts on Lauren's blog and maybe start my own

What products do you use on your long, thick hair?



  1. her hairs amazing! im jealous xx

    1. Awh I know right! When I first met her it took me a few hours to pluck up the courage to ask her if it was real haha! xo

  2. Thanks for your comment on my blog, and thanks for sending me here, this post was great. Following on GFC and bloglovin' and spending tonight working my way through your archives. Sarah xx


    1. You're welcome! I'm glad it helped :) I'm following back! xx
