Friday, 24 October 2014

What Lauren Did Today

Hello! I've noticed that recently this blog has received a lot of new followers, so I thought I'd just do a quick post to direct you all to my new blog: What Lauren Did Today. I've posted a few times saying I've moved and will no longer be blogging on this blog, but in case any of you missed it I thought I'd just do another, as well as link to a few posts that might tempt you across haha.
So my new blog What Lauren Did Today is a lifestyle/book/fashion/beauty/food blog. I don't really have a specific 'thing' that I feature, which is really the opposite of this blog as it was beauty based. I've so far done posts about anxiety, book reviews, recipes, photo diaries, wishlists, OOTD's, Lush reviews... quite a variety of things!
My favourite posts:
Follow my new blog on Bloglovin: