Saturday, 29 June 2013

Nivea Double Effect Eye Make-Up Remover Review

Following a recent shake-up in my facial routine comes this eye make-up remover from Nivea (£1.60 on sale currently in Superdrug). Up until recently I was bleeding the last few drops of my L'Oreal Plentitude Eye Make-Up Remover dry but sadly it's time's passed and has now been dumped into my Empties box (post coming soon).
Personally, I can't live without eye make-up remover. Similar to my sensitive skin, my eyes are always at war with whatever other products I try and use on them, meaning that they become red, itchy and irritated but clinging on to the mascara.
To be perfectly honest, when I rushed out to purchase a replacement, I didn't think I'd come home with this one - and now I kind of know why.
I can't say I hate it exactly, but we certainly don't have the friendliest relationship. The product itself is basically moisturising oil and soothing water sharing a bottle - something that is actually really cool to look at, but not necessarily to use. I personally prefer using oil-free make-up removers and I wouldn't go for this one under different circumstances, but I got distracted by how unique it looked! 

My first issue with this product is that in order to blend the two parts together to create the full make-up remover, you have to shake the bottle. A LOT. I mean literally, this requires at least two minutes of vigorous shaking before it's suitable to use - resulting in me quite often skipping using this in favour of warm water on cotton pads (shame on me!)
 My second annoyance is the cap of the bottle, where the product gets dispensed. It's a tiny hole in the long white cap that requires even more shaking to get any out, and when it does come out it released in irregular squirts which I always manage to get everywhere.
On the upside, the oil is very moisturising which usually means I don't have to use an eye cream and it's not too harsh on my sensitive skin. But, despite it's superficial beauty, if I were to need an eye make-up remover again, I wouldn't reach for this one.
I'm sorry that this review was a bit of a negative one, but I feel that I show so often the products that I'm loving and don't really give an insight to ones that I'm not getting on with!

Hope you're all feeling well xo


  1. shame you didn't love it! great review though, slightly negative ones are always helpful!

    from helen at thelovecatsinc // youtube // bloglovin

  2. Thank you! I think I'm going to persevere with it, but it's definitely not one of my favourites x
