Saturday, 15 March 2014

Health & Fitness Update #2

This week has been an okay-ish one. Exercise-wise, I've been doing pretty well. Last Sunday was one of the sunniest days I've seen for a while (UK problems!) and I took advantage of the warm-ish weather and took my puppy for a walk through the woods. We were out for about an hour and a half, but I made sure I had a bottle of water on me! Other than that, I've been fitting in small bursts of exercise whenever I have a spare minute, whether that's a 1 minute plank, a set of 30 squats or a 2 minute jog. Diet-wise, I've been failing a little. I had a large chips from McDonalds today and two bags of salt and vinegar Kettle Crisps yesterday... see the second point below to explain why.
What I've Learned This Week:
Fit in work-outs where-ever and whenever. This tip has been a lifesaver this week. I've been so busy with stressing about college that I've barely had a minute to sit down, let alone drop 20 squats. But I've been making an effort doing simple things: lifting my knees higher whilst walking up the stairs in college, doing calf raises whilst brushing my teeth and jogging on the spot whilst I wait for my bath to run.
Eating healthy food I don't enjoy makes me eat more. I've noticed lately that I'll prepare myself a lettuce and celery side salad, take one bite, deciding it's too bland and boring then end up buying a bag of crisps from the vending machine at college. As weird as it sounds, eating and enjoying food does put me in a better mood so when I'm eating something I don't enjoy, it honestly does make me miserable. From now on I'm only going to pack food that I'm looking forward to eating - red grapes, pineapple and red apples are my current favourites!
Cute gym wear makes me want to work out. Also, the brighter, the better. I now have a purple sports bra and a neon pink leopard print one and a pair of pink and black running shoes. Cute things like that motivate me as I want to wear them!
Lunches This Week:
Tuesday: lettuce, sweetcorn & celery salad with breaded chicken pieces and wholemeal seeded bread croutons. As a snack I had a peanut museli bar (not pictured) and a bottle of water. This was probably my favourite lunch this week - the salad was so refreshing!
Thursday: wholegrain pasta with a side of lettuce and celery. This meal was honestly pretty damn boring to eat. I ran out of veg to chuck in with the pasta so had to have it plain, which I didn't mind as I like plain pasta, but the side salad was hardly touched. This was the day that I splurged on the two bags of salt and vinegar crisps. As a drink I had water.
Overall, I think I'm working at a steady pace that I'm fairly happy with. More exercise was done and a lot more water was drank (the only drink I had this week!) but the diet changes are making me unhappy. Hopefully a trip to the Sainsbury's fruit aisle will change all of that for next week!


  1. i really like these types of posts as I'm trying to have a lifestyle change as well, I'm good when it comes to exercise, it's just when it comes eating healthy I really can't do it I have know will power :( locely post by the way . Jorden X

    1. I'm exactly the same! I'm trying to gradually work up to things instead of being very restricting all at once x

  2. I'm trying to get into a healthier lifestyle too, great post!

