Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Review: Lush Blackberry Bomb Bath Bomb

Despite it's delicious scent, I've never paid much attention to the Blackberry Bomb Bath Bomb whilst doing my rounds in Lush. It's simple lilac colouring and lack of snazzy design is probably something to do with this - I'm a sucker for a pretty pattern - and I'm honestly ashamed I've put it off so long! Since buying this the other day, it has fast become one of my all-time favourite Lush products.
 Packed with essential oils that are relaxing and great for relieving anxiety and a scent that reminds me of those little purple refresher sweets when I was a kid, this bath bomb is the perfect thing to chuck in the bath after a long, hard day. It's simplicity is one of the things I enjoy about it - no crackling or shimmery water here - meaning I can just lay back with my eyes closed and breathe in the smell, whilst trying to recover from my awful day.  
 This does have a little surprise though. A little note emerges from the bomb after it's been sizzling away for a few minutes saying "BOOM BOOM" which I think is cute. The bath water turns an amazing, rich purple colour that I honestly think is lovely and the scent was picked up on by my unassuming sister who was sat downstairs. Plus, for the price (£2.95) this is one of Lush's largest bath bombs. I'd compare it to the size of the Dragon's Egg.
Overall, I adore this bath bomb. I'm definitely going to pick up another on my next trip into town!

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