Saturday, 3 May 2014

LIMITED EDITION: Lush May Day Bath Bomb!

Just a quick post today to share with you this adorable limited edition bath bomb from Lush. The May Day bath bomb is only available until the end of May - meaning a quick dash to your nearest Lush store is necessary! It features the cutest badger design and a subtly sweet liquorice and chocolatey scent. It's a quick fizzer, meaning that it gives off a pretty smokey effect in the bath. All proceeds from this bath bomb (minus the VAT) are being donated to a badger-supporting charity! I'm as yet to try this one, but I'll pop up another little post to show it's effects in the water and what I thought of it.
A bargain at £2.95, plus it's double feel-good factor of a lovely bath and a charity donation means this bath bomb is a must for any Lushie out there.


  1. Theses sound lovely, I love the fact that the money goes to charity. It makes me want to try the product so much more!
    Daniela | danielascribbles blog xo

    1. awh, I totally agree! it's cute little design helps too haha x
