Saturday, 10 May 2014

Review: Lush Granny Takes A Dip Bath Bomb

 Making my rounds in Lush the other day and I spotted something that made me very excited: a new bath bomb. Naturally eye-catching with it's bright colours and design, the new Granny Takes A Dip bath bomb is something a little different from the regular Lush standards: It's flat. Well, not exactly flat but it's shape isn't that of a ball - it's more like a ball that's been flattened. A few inches thick and quite a good width around, this is one of the largest bath bombs I've seen at Lush. So naturally I had to bring it home with me.
It's fresh citrusy scent is the perfect pick-me-up after a long day and the ginger and pepper elements are very warming and refreshing. This is the kind of bath bomb whose scent lingers long after the water has been drained away. And the water, it's such a pretty colour! A kind of mulled wine shade, kind of a pink/purple/red if that makes sense. As this bath bomb is quite a frothy one, the water is clouded by a little bubbliness but it soon fades away. Whilst the bomb is fizzing away (which takes about 4 - 5 minutes in total) it releases a lovely array of colours as each circle melts away. So pretty.

Overall, I think this is one of my favourite bath bombs from Lush. The price is perfect (£3.25) as I think it's well justified and it's pretty colour show is lovely to watch.


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