Today's post is going to be on a slightly controversial topic! Maybe controversial is the wrong word, but I know a lot of people are very sceptical about these sorts of things but personally, I find it really fascinating!
As part of my Enrichment Week in college last year, my friends and I took part in a mini 'Crystal Therapy' session and I was spellbound by the stunning crystals and their spiritually healing purposes. My mum is a firm believer in Crystal Healing amongst other Complimentary Therapies and she's definitely passed that belief onto me. I understand that not everyone is going to enjoy this sort of post, but I thought I'd share it with you guys because I love the idea of it!
What is Crystal Healing?
Breaking it down simply, Crystal Healing is the practice of using different crystals on different points of your body called Chakras to invoke different effects and reliefs. Each of your Chakras are spots on your body that are the centres of different energy points. In order to channel into these energy points, you would place the corresponding crystal upon them and over a time of meditation, the crystal's energy would infuse into your body to restore balance and help repair any discomfort and pain. Speaking from personal experience, I can honestly say that using crystals through meditation has given me some positive side effects. I have different crystals that serve different purposes to me personally, which leads me on to my next point.
What do the Crystals do?
Like I mentioned previously, different crystals have their own 'effects'. For instance, if you were feeling stressed, you could simply hold a piece of Lithium Quartz quietly for a few moments. If you were having trouble sleeping, a piece of Lepidolite resting on your nightstand can send you calming and relaxing vibrations. You can literally Google search "crystals for (insert problem here)" and find a crystal that suits you and your needs! Crystals don't neccesarily need to be carried with you through-out the day, either - you can place them in your home, in your purse, on a necklace or bracelet... it's pretty much a case of finding the way that the crystals work for you personally.
How do I choose my Crystals?
Choosing crystals is both an aesthetic and a 'I have a feeling about that one' kind of thing. On one hand, a crystal can be the most beautiful thing in the world to you but when you hold it, it doesn't offer you any feeling or sentiment. It works the same the other way: a crystal could be slightly misshapen for your tastes but could give you a strong feeling. For me, I chose my crystals because they were the ones that caught my eye, and although I rummaged through the whole box to check for prettier ones I couldn't distract from them. It's like in Harry Potter with the whole 'the wand chooses the wizard' kind of thing.
How do you care for Crystals?
The most important thing to do with your crystals is to regularly replace the energies you have taken from them. There are loads of different methods for replacing energies, ranging from burying the crystal in rich earth to draw in the natural nutrients to running them under clear, purified water. Leaving your crystal in direct sunlight works too - just be careful when leaving them in windowsills, as modern double-glazed windows don't actually allow energies to penetrate.
My own personal Crystals:
Personally, I own quite a variety of crystals. I have a collection of Chakra Crystals that I bought when I did my Crystal Healing taster course at college that consists of: Amethyst, Smokey Quartz, Blue Lace Agate, Blood Stone, Tigers Eye, Carnelian and Snowflake Obsidian. I also have a chunky piece of rough Amethyst that I keep next to my bed for it's protecting and healing qualities. Also it's my birth stone!
1. Amethyst.
2. Snowflake Obsidian
3. Blue Lace Agate
4. Tigers Eye
5. Smokey Quartz
6. Carnelian
7. Blood Stone
I hope you enjoyed this post, guys! I know that this is a Beauty Blog and it's definitely not like any post I've done before but I hope you find it interesting! I think that I'll upload a separate post focusing on the actual Charka points and how to arrange them next time, but for now I'm going to leave you with this sort of mini introduction into the truly fascinating world of Crystal Healing!
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