Monday 12 August 2013

Step By Step: Floral Nail Art!

Hey everyone, hope you're all well!
As I'm sure some of you know I'm currently on my six week break from college, which leaves me with a hell of a lot of free time. I don't go back to college until the 2nd of September and I never thought I'd say this but I can't wait! I'm continuing my Beauty Therapy studies so on top of my small mobile business I've gained since completing Level 2, I'll have a few more qualifications under my belt!
Okay so I went a little off subject there, but my point was that since I have so much free time I've ended up experimenting a lot more with my nail art, partly to include in my portfolio, partly to share with you guys and partly because I'm so bored that I need to do something productive!
So here for you today I have a really simple floral print nail art! I swear, it looks so complicated but it's really not. Even you guys who think you're awful at nail art, I swear you can do this!
The one thing I will say about this nail art is that you do need a variety of colours. The basis it that you layer three tones of the same colour to create the illusion of the flower. I chose to use pink, simply because I have so many different shades of pink that it seemed like the easier option. I also chose to use a mint green background because I think the colours work together really nicely, but as always the colour options are up to you!
Difficulty: Beginner.
You will need:
Background colour of your choice. I chose Barry M's Mint Green.
Three tones of the same colour. I chose a hot pink by Bourjois (nameless), my Nail Fix medium pink and Barry M's Strawberry for the lightest shade.
A white nail varnish/nail art pen.
A dark green nail varnish/nail art pen.
What to do:
1. Paint all of your nails with your background colour. Leave to dry. (I had to do a coat of white nail varnish under the green as it's very sheer).
2. Using your darkest flower colour, using the tip of the brush draw large, irregular blobs in random places on your nail. Try to space them out evenly as you're going to need room to draw the leaves afterwards. This works best if you have hardly any nail varnish on the brush as it's easier to control the flow. Leave to dry.
3. Once the darkest colour is dry, apply a smaller blob of colour in the middle of it using your medium flower colour. Leave to dry.
4. Once the medium colour is dry, apply an even smaller blob of colour in the middle of the medium shade. Leave to dry.
5. Once you've finished your flowers and they're completely dry, you can draw little triangles on random edges of the flowers to create leaves. I did this using a nail art pen but you can use a nail varnish and a nail art brush if you prefer.
6. Now that you're finished with the flowers completely, you can choose what simple design to do on the rest of your nails. You can choose to leave them blank if you want, but I just dotted some white dots using a nail art pen on them.
7. Seal with a  top coat and you're done!
As ever with these nail arts, if you re-create this look then tweet me a photo at @laaurenpiperx as I'd love to see them!
I hope you all have a good week!


  1. Really pretty! Great tutorial xx

  2. That looks so good!i need to try it!ive never tried floral nail designs before!:)x

    1. awh thank you! yeah same, I've always been scared of them haha! but they're so much easier than they look! if you try it leave me a link, I'd love to see them! xx

  3. Great post, Thanks for sharing!

    Lovely blog!!<3

    Hugs, Brittany, xx

  4. These look gorgeous and actually don't sound too hard for me! Will have to give them a try, great post.

    Rosie x

    1. yeaah, they're so much easier than they look, promise! thank you :) xx

  5. this sounds raelly great! i'm awful at doing nails as i'm so impatient haha but i'll try this out if i feel patient enough hah

    Across the Nightingale Floor

    1. awh, thank you! yes, patience is definitely needed for this one as it's mostly about waiting for the colours to dry haha x
